A selection of reviews from our happy, rested families


I used Justine and I have to say it was the best thing ever, she was great at helping me stay persistent with my stubborn one and a half year old! She helped me to get her sleeping right through the night. She was always on call and super helpful I would highly recommend her service. And now my little girl has great sleeping patterns!
— Jana, Auckland

I would highly recommend Justine. I am very thankful for the help she gave me and my son. She is very gentle in her approach and has taught me some amazing basic skills. Justine helped me get my baby who wouldn’t sleep anywhere but on me to him sleeping in his own bed. I will definitely be contacting Justine again when I need some more help with my sons sleep.
— Danielle, Auckland

Justine helped us with our 3 year old that was having trouble going to sleep then having numerous night wakes.
She now sleeps through the night and is great at going to sleep at bedtime!
I would definitely recommend Justine (have done already to friends) She is knowledgeable and so lovely!
— Jamie, Auckland

Justine gave us such kind, considered advice for helping our little boy get to sleep by himself during the night. We went from feeding him to sleep every 2 hours, to sleeping through within a week! We’ve noticed huge differences in how much happier he is during the day. Justine is so supportive and patient. Thank you so much again for helping our whole family get some sleep!
— Clare, Auckland

Our daughter was a great sleeper until she hit 5 months. We were having to get up many times in the night to resettle her and put her dummy back in, so we decided to go cold turkey and ditch the dummy... then day naps went out the window too! Justine was awesome at helping us work through these challenges. She provided loads of information around the impact of day sleep on night sleep, as well as the relationship between feeding and sleeping. She was really responsive and available to answer all of our questions, and her advice evolved as we worked through one issue at a time. Our daughter is now 8 months and has a consistent sleep routine which she does very well!
— Jess, Auckland

Justine was a huge help for us. We went from our baby not sleeping off us, in the front pack or in the car during the day to sleeping in her bassinet then in her cot. Justine was very hands on and provided us a lot of guidance for our specific situation and needs. Justine has a lot of knowledge and also helped us to get the best swaddle and black outs for our babies room so we had her set up in an ideal sleep environment.
— Maggie, Wellington

We are so grateful for Justine’s support, the goal was to be able to put our child to bed and have it be his happy place. We wanted him to want to go to bed. Justine definitely helped us achieve that!
— Emma, Auckland

Justine really tailored her advice and recommendations to me and Jack and our situation, rather than trying to apply one size fits all. I loved her creative solutions to things I had been stuck on. I felt like she really took her time with her responses, which was very reassuring for a first time mum! She has such as gentle and encouraging way of communicating.
— Nadine, Auckland

Amazing client servicing, personalised, responsive and helpful. In terms of the solution itself, the routine and soothing technique is tailored to what the baby needs based on his condition and behaviour, as well as our routine as a family. It worked well for us. We have more time in the afternoon to go out or play time for the baby without overtiring him. Now our baby self soothes easily with very little grizzle (if any) during every naps and night sleeps, and is able to sleep 11-12 hours at night. Lastly, the service from Justine is delivered in a well-designed and easy to ready layout.
All in all, highly recommended!
— Yuanindita, Welington